Area Sagamihara Serena Kim Nestled in the northwestern part of Kanagawa Prefecture lies Sagamihara, a vibrant city with life and history. As the third m...
Culture JAXA Sagamihara Campus Lester Goh JAXA, short for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, is the official space research and testing agency in and across Japan...
Culture Sagamihara Kita Park Kim Bergström Japan is home to an array of fantastic urban parks, and a pleasant one to visit in Kanagawa Prefecture is Sagamihara Kita Par...
Culture Sagamihara City Museum Lester Goh Recently celebrating its 20th anniversary, Sagamihara City Museum celebrates the city's rich history and culture, from her ro...
Culture Sagamihara Carp Streamer Festival 2020 [Cancelled] Sandra Isaka ln honor of Children's Day, 1,200 carp-shaped wind socks are displayed over the Sagami River for Sagamihara's Koi-no-bori' fe...