Culture Zao Onsen Shuttle Bus Service Tiffany Aguilar From January 11th to February 28th, you can conveniently access Zao Onsen by shuttle bus service.
Culture Yutagawa Onsen Plum Festival 2025 Kim Bergström The Yamagata hot springs town of Yutagawa Onsen has many good reasons to visit, and if you're a flower lover the Yutagawa Ons...
Culture Japan Sea Cold Cod Festival 2026 Kim Bergström Cold cod soup or dongara jiru is a popular winter dish in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, and the Japan Sea Cold Co...
Culture Breathless on Mount Haguro Arlene Bastion The tiring walk up Haguro to reach Sanjin Gosaiden goes through ancient cedar forests and provide mental stamina, but the Shr...
Culture Tsuruoka's Zenpoji Arlene Bastion Zenpoji's plain wood structures beautifully highlight its complex carvings of flora and fauna. Its tradition of a dualistic f...
Culture Tsuruoka's Historic Sites Arlene Bastion Tsuruoka's history makes it an interesting place. Better still, there's nothing touristy about it.
Culture Millennium Corridor 2025 Kim Bergström From late October until early December, one of the Tohoku region's most popular winter illumination events is set to take pla...
Culture Blessing of the Yamabushi Japan Travel After a traumatic injury at school, 12-year old Satoshi falls into emotionally difficult times. In an effort to figure out ho...
Culture The Uesugi Clan Elena Lisina The Uesugi Clan became famous for the motto "Justice". Places connected with the history of the clan include Kawanakajima, Ka...
Culture Tendo Sakura Matsuri Celine Ong Known for the famous Ningen Shogi (Human Chess) event, the Tendo Sakura Matsuri is an annual spring festival held in Tendo Ci...