Manhole cover showing Yumomi-chan, the Kusatsu Onsen mascot (Photo: Cathy Cawood)

Yumomi at Kusatsu Onsen

Traditional method of cooling too-hot spring water

Cathy Cawood   - 1 min read

The water from the springs in Kusatsu Onsen town is very hot, and needs to be cooled down before people can safely bathe in it. In the old days they stirred it with wooden paddles to speed the cooling process. You can see a performance of this traditional process in a new hall next to Yubatake, the 'hot water field'. After the method is demonstrated by women in red and white costumes you can take a turn yourself.

Cathy Cawood

Cathy Cawood @cathy.cawood

 I came to Japan in 2003 to teach English. I lived in Shiga prefecture for 1 year, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I lived in Kyoto for 9 years, then moved to Machida, Tokyo in 2014 after meeting my Japanese partner. I love to take photos, and my Japan in Pictures Facebook page ha...