Magnificent rock formations (Photo: Cathy Cawood)

Natadera in Ishikawa

Follow Matsuo Basho to the sacred caves of Natadera

Cathy Cawood   - 1 min read

This is one of the loveliest temples I have ever visited! I suppose it helps that I went there on a sunny autumn day when the light filtered through the tall cedars to ignite the maple leaves. The temple complex is large, with seven different buildings and gardens that are designated National Treasures. Matsuo Basho visited here in his travels, and left a haiku behind. Possibly the most famous feature, however, is the mountain of rock with several caves that have been turned into shrines.

Cathy Cawood

Cathy Cawood @cathy.cawood

 I came to Japan in 2003 to teach English. I lived in Shiga prefecture for 1 year, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I lived in Kyoto for 9 years, then moved to Machida, Tokyo in 2014 after meeting my Japanese partner. I love to take photos, and my Japan in Pictures Facebook page ha...