Visitors can view the panorama of Odawara from the top of the castle. In the grounds is also an informative museum explaining the history of the castle. (Photo: Hoyee Tse)

Odawara Castle in the Summertime

Rebirth of an Edo Period Masterpiece

Hoyee Tse   - 1 min read

Towns with a close proximity to the political centre always acted as a defender of that power. Odawara, located only a hour by train from Shibuya by the Tokaido line, was a strategic point during the Edo period. While Odawara now lies in the shadow of Tokyo and Yokohama, in the fifteenth century, the Hojo clan actually controlled much of the Kanto region from here, with an even more impressive castle than you see today. Remnants of the castle town remain, as you mark out the shrine and museum from the observation deck. From the top of Odawara Castle, you can see the beautiful Pacific coastline, glistening in the summer sun.

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Hoyee Tse

Hoyee Tse @hoyee.tse

Art, architecture, comics and fashion, every aspect of culture is fascinating. To me, the interplay between innovation and tradition is the greatest attraction of Japan.