Main pathway looking towards the main gate (Photo: Brian Wood-Koiwa)

Tokei-ji, the Divorce Temple

Get Thee to the Nunnery!

Brian Wood-Koiwa   - 1 min read

Tokei-ji is located just a couple-minute walk from Kita-Kamakura station, about a 90 minute train ride south from central Tokyo. The temple was founded in 1285 as a refuge for battered wives. Thus, it became known as the "divorce temple". The grounds are dominated by an ancient refreshingly shaded cemetery carved out of the hillside. Many graves are adorned with statues that have been standing guard for probably centuries. If you are there in the summer, Tokei-ji is a welcome retreat from the harsh Japanese summers.

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Find out more about Tokeiji Temple.

Brian Wood-Koiwa

Brian Wood-Koiwa @brian.wood

American writer and photographer living in central Tokyo. I have lived in and around the Tokyo metro area for a total of 12 years. I love cities, and you cannot get any bigger than Tokyo! However, I do enjoy the tranquility of the parks and temples that populate the center city and its outskirts....