Tetori Tenman Shrine in downtown Kumamoto (Photo: Mandy Bartok)

Tetori Tenman Shrine

A hidden shrine in downtown Kumamoto

Mandy Bartok   - 1 min read

Tucked away in the backstreets of Kumamoto, just steps from the Nikko Hotel and the Suidocho tram stop, the Tetori Tenman Shrine is a haven of tranquility in an otherwise busy downtown area. Wash your hands at the stone basin and admire the colorful "ema" (prayer plaques) before making your appeal to the shrine's deity at the tiny main hall. Tetori Temangu is an offshoot of the larger Tenmangu Shrine in Dazaifu (Fukuoka Prefecture) which honors the great Heian-era scholar Sugawara no Michizane.

Mandy Bartok

Mandy Bartok @mandy.bartok

Japan resident for 10 years, with time spent in Okinawa, Kumamoto and Tokyo.