View of the reservoir en route to Nishiyama (Photo: Chris Cooper)

Nishiyama in Old Bitchu Area

Sparse mountain town off the beaten track in Takahashi

Chris Cooper   - 1 min read

I set out from Takahashi to Bitchu's Nishiyama having seen one picture of a view from one of the lodges they have there on a tourist map. The road is winding and fairly long but it's a beautiful drive on a nice day. You drive by a seclusive reservoir, up the mountain to a camp site with fantastic views from the top. There are tennis courts and a park that to be honest have seen better days, but you will probably have them all to yourself. Was this once a vibrant holiday destination? I'm not sure, but it's a nice drive.

Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper @chris.cooper

I moved to Japan in 2010 to become an English teacher. I came with little knowledge or preconceptions about Japan and thought I would just see what it was like. I found out I love it here, the job, the people, the culture, the life, I want to spread the word about what a great country Japan is to...