Old machines are on display (Photo: Larry Knipfing)

Yokohama Silk Museum

History of local silk trade, with lots of nice displays

Larry Knipfing   - 1 min read

The Silk Museum was established in 1959 and has been going strong ever since. It has recently re-opened after a number of renovations, and features a number of interesting displays including quite a few gorgeous kimono. The museum also includes displays of silk-making machines, as well as actual demonstrations of silk being manufactured, which is fascinating.


Larry Knipfing

Larry Knipfing @larry.knipfing

Born on Long Island, New York in 1958, I have spent the last 30 years of my life living in Japan, and enjoying every minute of it! I especially love photography, and Japan is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the world to photograph! My other love is fiction writing and I have pub...