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Activities in Shizuoka

74 results
Rakujyuen Park, Mishima

Rakujyuen Park, Mishima

Peter Sidell

In Mishima in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, Rakujyuen is a large, pleasant family park, with shady woods, an old Japanese resi...

Memorials to Miura Anjin

Memorials to Miura Anjin

John Carter

William Adams is possibly one the most important figures in the relationship of Japanese and British history and a large part...

Snow-covered Mt. Kintoki

Snow-covered Mt. Kintoki

Yu Nakao

1213m Mt.Kintoki (金時山) is the highest peak of the outer rim of the Hakone crater. When it’s sunny, you have a magnificent ...

Miho no Matsubara

Miho no Matsubara

Miho no Matsubara is a scenic area on the Miho Peninsula in Shimizu Ward of Shizuoka City, Japan. Its seven-kilometer seashor...
