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Culture in Sendai, Miyagi

69 results
Akiu Kaleidoscope Museum

Akiu Kaleidoscope Museum

Justin Velgus

The Sendai Kaleidoscope Museum (仙台万華鏡美術館) is a unique museum located in the hot spring resort town Akiu, in the outsk...

Bunny Shrine in Sendai

Bunny Shrine in Sendai

Justin Velgus

A mix of Shinto, Buddhism, and rabbit, an almost forgotten 400 year old shrine delights adventerous travelers with cute bunny...

Sendai Tanabata Museum

Sendai Tanabata Museum

Justin Velgus

The Sendai Tanabata Museum in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture displays Tanabata Festival decorations year round. It is located next...

Aoba Ward Festival 13

Aoba Ward Festival

Laura Welch

The Aoba Ward Festival, not to be confused with the Aoba Festival, is an autumn event that celebrates the culture of the peop...
