Heavy rope decorating a shrine (Photo: Cathy Cawood)

Dual religion at Natadera

Shinto side by side with Buddhism in autumn sunshine

Cathy Cawood   - 1 min read

Buddhism and Shinto have co-existed peacefully in Japan for many hundreds of years. One example of this can be seen at Natadera in Ishikawa Prefecture. There is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the gods of nearby Mount Hakusan side by side with Buddhist shrines. On a sunny autumn day I admired the maple leaves, and I gave thanks for beauty, peace, and tolerance.

Cathy Cawood

Cathy Cawood @cathy.cawood

 I came to Japan in 2003 to teach English. I lived in Shiga prefecture for 1 year, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I lived in Kyoto for 9 years, then moved to Machida, Tokyo in 2014 after meeting my Japanese partner. I love to take photos, and my Japan in Pictures Facebook page ha...