One of the temples in Chinatown (Photo: Dave Collymore)

Chinese New Year In Chinatown

Yokohama's Chinatown filled with people

Dave Collymore   - 1 min read

For the first time, I went to the Chinese new year celebrations in Yokohama's Chinatown. This was on Sunday, February 10, 2013, however, the Chinese new year falls on a different day each year based on the lunar calendar. In 2014 for example, it will be on January 31st and in 2015 it will be on February 18th. You will see many people here and almost all the restaurants will be filled, but it is an interesting experience to be a part of. You may see lot of parades, dragons, shows, performances, festivals and as mentioned before, many people. Go and be a part of the celebrations.

Dave Collymore

Dave Collymore @dave.collymore

Hi, I'm Dave.I like soccer, karate, movies, video games, travelling, blogging and anything that seem fun. I have been living in Japan since March 2008 and spent 3 years in the country side of Niimi, Okayama prefecture. I decided to write for Japan tourist because I enjoy sharing my experience of ...