Lighting the street for nighttime activities, Soja City, Okayama (Photo: Judith Mikami)

Soja RetRoad Festival

Soja City annual festival to celebrate the old and new

Judith Mikami   - 1 min read

Soja City Retroad (retro + road) Festival is held every year in late September. It is organized to celebrate the old main street of Soja City and its purpose is to bring together the new and the traditional. You walk along this beautiful old road, admiring the old architecture, meeting and talking to local people who have small exhibitions of the clubs and societies of Soja City, artists displaying their work, musicians scattered in quaint locations and food stalls to make this slow walk tasty.

Judith Mikami

Judith Mikami @judith.mikami

Hi, I’m Judith Mikami originally from Auckland, New Zealand. I came to Japan about twenty years ago to experience a culture and country very different from my homeland. Like many who have ventured to Japan I fell in love with the people, culture and places and before I knew it I would meet my hus...