The temple's bell tower is framed by colorful maples (Photo: Mandy Bartok)

Daikozen Temple

Saga's top mountain temple for maple leaves

Mandy Bartok   - 1 min read

The 1300-year-old mountaintop temple of Daikozen-ji has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries, but today's pilgrims mostly come in autumn. That's when the maples and gingkos that litter the temple's precincts turn glorious shades of red and yellow. A long staircase is the only way to reach the temple groups but the foliage is more than worth the effort. A large parking area is a five-minute walk down the road.

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Find out more about Daikozen Temple.

Mandy Bartok

Mandy Bartok @mandy.bartok

Japan resident for 10 years, with time spent in Okinawa, Kumamoto and Tokyo.