When it comes to picture-perfect winter destinations in Japan, Yamagata's Ginzan Onsen would have to be up there at the top of any list. The combination of traditional architecture, the warm glow of gas lamps, and the snowy landscape makes it a popular spot for day trippers and overnight stays alike.
However, the power and reach of social media has meant the hot spring town has become less of a hidden gem and more of a bustling tourist attraction.

In efforts to try and keep the charm of the town intact, the Ginzan Hot Spring Association is planning to add visitor number caps at certain times of the day, with the policy set to take effect right before Christmas on December 23rd. At this stage, the caps are set to be in place until late March.
Some points to note if you are contemplating a Ginzan Onsen visit:
- Day trippers will be required to take a bus from the Taisho Romankan visitor center to Ginzan Onsen.
- There will be no caps on visitor numbers between the hours of 9am and 4pm.
- From 5pm until 8pm, there will be a maximum limit of 100 visitors per hour permitted to Ginzan Onsen, with tickets required.
- From 8pm until 9am the following day, only Ginzan Onsen employees, local residents, and those with accommodation reservations will be permitted.
Evening tickets for Ginzan Onsen can be arranged in advance online here, with the cost (1100 JPY + 50 JPY booking fee) including the round trip shuttle bus fare from the Taisho Romankan visitor center. At present, bookings can only be made until the end of January, with February and March reservation slots opening up early in the new year.
By managing crowd numbers during the winter peak season, the hope is that Ginzan Onsen can continue to offer a tranquil and memorable experience for those that visit.