Area Noda Ahammad Reyad Noda City located in Chiba Prefecture is known as "Soy Sauce City". In the Edo Period, soy sauce brewers cooperated to create...
Culture Noda Tsukumai 2025 Elizabeth S In July, Noda City and other towns on the Tone River celebrate summer with a centuries-old nighttime tradition Calle day Tsuk...
Culture Atago Shrine in Noda City Sleiman Azizi East of Tokyo in Noda City, Chiba prefecture, Shimousa Noda Atago Shrine is an historical Shinto shrine dedicated to the fire...
Culture Noda and Oosugi-sama Exhibition 2018 Elizabeth S Noda City Museum hosts a special exhibition, “Noda and Oosugisama”, bringing together omikoshi portable shrines, tengu statua...
Culture Noda City Museum and Mogi Residence Elizabeth S One of Noda City’s many heritage buildings associated with soy sauce production is the former Mogi Residence. This Taisho Per...
Culture Kamihanawa Historical House Elizabeth S Kamihanawa Historical House in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture preserves an Edo Period soy sauce brewer's estate. Edo Period livi...
Culture Japanese Sword Exhibition 2019 2019 Sleiman Azizi Close to Tokyo in Japan's Chiba prefecture, there's a Japanese sword exhibition at the Noda City Museum during April and May....
Culture Kikkoman Soy Sauce Museum Elizabeth S Noda is "Soy Sauce City", the home of Kikkoman soy sauce brewing. The free factory tour reveals the history of the process an...
Culture Sakuragi Shrine of Cherry Blossoms Elizabeth S Sakuragi Shrine, the oldest in Noda City, celebrates the cherry blossom. The gardens feature cherry tree varieties that bloom...
Culture Konjoin Temple Sleiman Azizi Along with BBQs, trout ponds and obstacle courses, Shimizu Koen is home to Konjoin Temple. First established in 1398, the tem...