Culture Hitachi Seaside Park Hitachi Seaside Park, located about two hours away from Tokyo in Hitachinaka City, overlooks the Pacific Ocean and is famous ...
Culture Hitachi Seaside Park from Mito Town Elena Lisina A visit to Hitachi Seaside Park, a beautiful flower park, from a small town of Mito, which is famous for a traditional Japane...
9 Culture Hitachi Seaside Park: Suisen Garden Somrak Bhakdisuparit Hitachi Seaside Park: Nacissus field at Suisen Garden
Culture Hitachi Seaside Park in October Yu Nakao A perfect day outside Tokyo at Hitachi Seaside Park, a seaside park with gardens and an amusement park. It is a great place t...
Culture Time Traveling on the Hitachi-no-kuni Long Trail Tiffany Aguilar Surrounded by the beauty of northern Ibaraki Prefecture, the Hitachi-no-kuni Long Trail is a journey through Japan’s timeless...
Culture Field Of Millions Of Flowers Victoria Vlisides A sea of millions of flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park #flowers #flowerpark
Culture Ibaraki Prefecture's Castle Heritage Elizabeth S Ibaraki Prefecture’s castle towns preserve a few vestiges of the feudal past. Communities have restored historically importan...
Culture The Makabe Stone Lanterns Jamila Brown The stone lanterns of Makabe town in Ibaraki Prefecture are known for their beauty.
Culture Kiuchi Brewery: The Home of Hitachino Nest Tom Roseveare Kiuchi Brewery in east Ibaraki is the home of acclaimed craft beer brand, Hitachino Nest. In reality the brewery started out ...