Culture Machida Tenmangu Livvy Boote In the suburbs of Tokyo, Machida Tenmangu in Machida is lovely quiet shrine, hidden away off the main road near the station.
Culture Machida Jidai Matsuri 2025 Japan Travel Come and experience traditional Japanese costumes, the Jidai Matsuri (or “Period Festival”) and a historical reenactment depi...
Culture Machida City - History & Landmarks Sleiman Azizi Machida City surprises with its plentiful green spaces. There are many historical spots and landmarks too. These include Nana...
Culture Machida City - Museums & Galleries Sleiman Azizi Machida City is home to a number of unheralded museums & galleries. They include Machida City Farming Museum, Machida City Mu...
Culture Machida City - Parks & Gardens Sleiman Azizi Machida City is home to an incredible array of parks and gardens. Some of them include Nozuta Park, Oyamada Ryokuchi Park, Se...
Culture Local Museums of Machida Kenny King Hin Choi A short walk from the train station and you can feel the artistic side of Machida at two local museums.
Culture Machida City - Temples & Shrines Sleiman Azizi Large both in size and population, Machida City doesn't lack in temples & shrines. Some of them include Aihara Suwa Shrine, M...
15 Culture Peony Garden in Machida Cathy Cawood Peony Garden with 2000 peony plants, and Farming Museum in Machida.
Culture Snoopy Museum Tokyo in Machida Serena Ogawa Galleries, shops, cafes, and workshops! The new Snoopy Museum Tokyo has it all!
13 Culture Seisui Temple in Machida Cathy Cawood Carvings of dragons, people, flowers and birds extravagantly decorate a quiet wooden temple in Aihara that has the same kanji...