Senrigataki Fall looks good and sounds eveb better. (Photo: Senén Germade)

Senrigataki Falls

The largest drop of any of the falls in the Kirishima Range

Senén Germade   - 1 min read

Kirishima is a city located in the northeastern part of Kagoshima Prefecture, and I don’t lie when I say this city is blessed with the scenic beauty of mountains, seas and rivers of the Kirishima mountain range extending to Kinko Bay. You don't believe me? Have a look yourself. Senrigataki Falls (千里ケ滝) is the largest drop of any of the falls in the Kirishima range, plunging the 75 meters in a rush of power during the summer when the water flow peaks. In the fall, the white strands of water falling through the autumn foliage is a stunning sight, too.

Senén Germade

Senén Germade @senen.germade