It has to be seen this close to believe (Photo: Andre Moreira)

Hydrangeas Path in Kamakura

Yet another reason to visit Kamakura!

Andre Moreira   - 1 min read

Japan's rainy season is famous for the beautiful hydrangeas that it brings, and there are more varieties than you can imagine!

If you want to appreciate the beauty of hydrangeas in all its splendor, then Kamakura is your destination! This hydrangea path in the Jojuin Temple (close to the famous Hasedera Temple) is definitely worth a visit, don't miss it!

Andre Moreira

Andre Moreira @andre.moreira

Born in the Portuguese countryside in 1990, I've been living in Japan since 2012. Not long after coming to Japan, I started writing to Japan Travel in English, and later started managing its Portuguese page. I'm continuously looking for new Portuguese language helpers to help us make the page ev...