Main square of the shrine. The decorations are put up only around New Years. (Photo: Andrea Kahlow)

Samukawa Shrine

Shinto Shrine in Kanagawa Prefecture

Andrea Kahlow   - 1 min read

Samukawa Shrine is a Shinto shrine in the city of Samukawa in southern Kanagawa. Located by the Sagami River, the walk to the shrine is full of bridges over the river and nearby streams. The exact origins of the shrine are unknown, the earliest written records talk about it being rebuilt in 727. Safe to say that it is in the group of some of the oldest shrines in Kanagawa and all of Japan. Open 24 hours, you can go any time of night or day to explore and/or pray.

Andrea Kahlow

Andrea Kahlow @andrea.kahlow

Who: Japan travel enthusiast  Loves: coffee, anime/manga, tea, traveling, binge watching tv shows, animal cafes, japanese arcades, soft fluffy things, food, pretending to take cool photos, and anything artsy. Goals: to travel all over Japan and improve my Japanese!