Monk statues with pumpkins (Photo: Cathy Cawood)

Katsuragi-Hitokotonushi Shrine

Nara shrine of a god who only hears one-word prayers

Cathy Cawood   - 1 min read

This shrine belongs to the Shinto god, Ichigon-san, who will only hear one word of a prayer. People with requests for this god must form very short prayers! There is a very old sacred  gingko tree near the main hall of the shrine, believed to be 1200 years old. Pregnant and nursing women pray here for healthy babies, because the tree has growths which look a bit like breasts. The autumn leaves at this Nara shrine were very pretty.

Cathy Cawood

Cathy Cawood @cathy.cawood

 I came to Japan in 2003 to teach English. I lived in Shiga prefecture for 1 year, and it still holds a special place in my heart. I lived in Kyoto for 9 years, then moved to Machida, Tokyo in 2014 after meeting my Japanese partner. I love to take photos, and my Japan in Pictures Facebook page ha...