Viewing point on the bank (Photo: Rufus Starbuck)

The Waters of Ryuugakubo in Tsunan

One of the top 100 remarkable waters of Japan

Rufus Starbuck   - 1 min read

Ryuugakubo is a pond just outside Tsunan town in Niigata. It is a beautiful spot and was selected as one of the top 100 remarkable waters of Japan by the Ministry of the Environment. It is fed by spring water that is flowing into the pond at a rate of 43,000t per day. This is enough to completely replace all the water in the pond on a daily basis which is the reason it is so clear.

The legend of the pond is that during a time of drought and famine a man stole a dragon's egg to feed the locals. The dragon got angry but spared the culprits after they begged for the lives of their children. It rained for three days and the pond was formed, but should anyone misbehave the pond might dry up.

There is a short path around the edge of the pond to a shrine by the spring source. Clear waters reflecting the beauty of the surrounding nature make for great views and a tranquil stroll. It is a wonderful little side trip for nature lovers.

Rufus Starbuck

Rufus Starbuck @rufus.starbuck

Hanging out in the mountains of Niigata. Arrived by accident and yet to leave. Seem to spend far too much time eating...