A hidden treasure in Tokyo is the majestic Akasaka Palace. As one of only two state guest houses of the Japanese government, along with the Kyoto State guest house, the Akasaka Palace was built in 1909 and is now officially a national treasure of Japan.
Akasaka is one of Tokyo's more upscale areas, known for its lively nightlife, elegant boutiques and restaurants, and thriving business community.
When it is not officially used, the palace and its grounds are open to the public, making it a must see for tourists and residents alike. Its stately western architecture, with Japanese grounds primarily designed to create a more authentic Japanese ambience for state dignitaries, creates an incredibly impressive backdrop, and the interior of the palace offers sheer opulence and pomp.
The palace also features a range of Western and Japanese art and furniture, as well as samurai-themed decorations. Audio guides are also available to visitors for ¥ 200 (in various languages).