When I first visited the Sony Building in Ginza in 1998, I remember that the audio-visual room had a display of the soon to be released movie Mask of Zorro and it was my first experience with the world-known brand Sony. (Photo: Manish Prabhune)

Sony Building, Ginza

Sony gadgets, various cafes and free Wi-Fi

Manish Prabhune   - 1 min read

The Sony Building in Ginza is being used by the Sony Corporation to showcase their latest electronic offerings. It used to be just the Walkman brand when I first visited in 1998, then the Bravia television series and lately the Xperia smartphone line.

You can enjoy Sony's digital lifestyle in this seven-story exhibition space and there is also a French Restaurant on the first floor.

I have been a big fan of the brand and my living room was almost entirely Sony-branded. I still have a lot of faith in the brand, despite the strong competition that it continues to receive from the innovative Apple products.

More info

Find out more about Ginza Sony Park.

Manish Prabhune

Manish Prabhune @manish.prabhune

Travelling to various places and locations in Japan for over 20 years now, I want to share my experiences and also hear about destinations that I still have not been to in the land of the rising sun. Am a photography enthusiast and love to do slow shutter blue hour photography in Tokyo.