Shinjo Matsuri is a summer festival held in August each year in Shinjo City. Bright floats are paraded through the streets (Photo: Tomoaki Sato)

Yamagata's Faces

Mountain prefecture with a smile on the face

Tomoaki Sato   - 1 min read

Yamagata: do you know this place? Have a look at the map of Japan and try to find it on the Western coast of Honshu Island. If you don't seem to find it, then maybe this is because there are no big cities here. Yamagata truly is the Japanese countryside in every sense. It might be inconvenient for you to come here but please come to Yamagata when you want to be calm and relaxed. Peaceful people are waiting for you with a big smile! To those who love the countryside and who love nature: you are very welcome! Did you notice that the shape of Yamagata Prefecture from a side angle looks like a smiling face?

Tomoaki Sato

Tomoaki Sato @tomoaki.sato

こんにちは!I was born in Mamurogawa town 真室川町,Yamagata prefecture 山形県.And I had lived here till graduation of high school.When I was junior college student,I worked as Jinrikisha 人力車 driver in Hida Takayama 飛騨高山,Gifu prefecture 岐阜県.Jinrikisha is Rickshaw. Hida Takayama is ...