Hogon-ji stands at the top of the slope called Neon Zaka, Matsuayama's old red light district (Photo: Rod Walters)

Hogon-ji Temple in Dogo, Matsuyama

Birthplace of Ippen, the wandering saint

Anonymous   - 1 min read

Hōgon-ji is a temple of the Ji Buddhist sect in Matsuyama. It’s known as the birthplace of Ippen, who founded the Ji (time) sect as an offshoot of the Jōdo or Pure Land sect in 1276. Disciples of Ippen sought enlightenment by chanting the name of Amida and dancing ecstatically. Ippen is depicted in numerous statues as a humble ascetic, skinny as a stick from all his traveling.


Anonymous @rod.walters__archived

I was born in Bristol, England, and I came to Japan in 1991 … which means I’ve lived half my life in this island nation on the other side of the world. The theme of my career in Japan has been communication. I started as an English teacher, and moved into translation as I learned Japanese....