The gate, and studio behind it (Photo: Larry Knipfing)

Sabae's Emi Photo Studio

Meiji era building is home to 120 year old photo studio

Larry Knipfing   - 1 min read

Situated on a side street in Sabae, and sandwiched in between a number of modern buildings, the Emi Photo Studio, is almost 120 years old. Established in 1905 by Mr. Yoshinosuke Emi, this elegant western style home features some beautiful architectural touches, both inside and out. The gate, a designated cultural property of the city, is charming. The building, although clearly western, features a Japanese style tiled roof. Inside, the floors are of beautiful wood. There is a strong feeling of nostalgia here, with old cameras and photos tucked into every corner and hanging on all the walls. The Emi family still runs their photo studio, next door!

Larry Knipfing

Larry Knipfing @larry.knipfing

Born on Long Island, New York in 1958, I have spent the last 30 years of my life living in Japan, and enjoying every minute of it! I especially love photography, and Japan is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the world to photograph! My other love is fiction writing and I have pub...