The Iris Bridge, symbol of Lake Kitagata. This bridge is part of the cycling course called 'Humming Road' and only pedestrians and bicycles can cross it. (Photo: Takako Sakamoto)

Spring at Lake Kitagata in Fukui

Red bridge, green lawn, spring flowers and blue sky

Takako Sakamoto   - 1 min read

One beautiful spring day in late April I visited Lake Kitagata in Awara City, Fukui, to enjoy yae-zakura cherry blossoms. Although it was Saturday, I found the lake park uncrowded, and the view of the green park decorated with pretty cherry blossoms was just beautiful. The smell of the lake water, gentle spring breeze and fragrant blossoms under the blue sky were so refreshing! Other visitors must have felt the same way as I did. Some people were taking a nap on the spacious lawn. This place is surely a great destination for people looking for a place to relax on a warm spring day.

Takako Sakamoto

Takako Sakamoto @takako.sakamoto

I was born in and grew up in Tokushima prefecture, and have lived in many places since then: Nishinomiya, Kyoto, Nara, Mie, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Fukuoka and Fukui. I am currently living in Yokohama City. All the places I lived, all the places I visited, I have loved dearly. The histor...