Miffy, the iconic rabbit character created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna, celebrated its 65th anniversary last year. A special exhibition taking place at Tachikawa's Play! Museum will explore all things Miffy, with around 300 original drawings, sketches, and creative memos on display.
For those wanting to pick up a souvenir from their visit, there will also be a wide variety of event-exclusive merchandise available to purchase, including stuffed toys and figurines.
Adult admission to the event is priced at 1500 yen.
Getting there
The Play! Museum in Tachikawa is located 5 minutes on foot from the JR Tachikawa Station's North Exit, or 5 minutes on foot from the Tachikawa Kita Station's North Exit.
There is no dedicated parking lot for the Play! Museum, so visitors who are traveling by private vehicle are advised to park at the neighboring Green Springs lot. There are 180 car spaces, and parking is charged at 250 yen for each 30 minutes on weekdays, and 300 yen for each 30 minutes on weekends.
Kim Bergström @kim.b
Almost 12 years living in Asia. Passionate about Japan's off-the-beaten-path spots, family-friendly travel, flower events (all of them!) and the amazing tea culture here. 🍵🌼🌸