Activities The Farm Life and Legends of Tono Tristan Scholze Experience a farmstay in the “City of Folklore,” an idyllic and history-filled little town ringed by mountains in northern Ja...
Activities Autumn Road Trip in Iwate, the "Last Frontier of Japan" Alena Eckelmann During a 3-day road trip I explored Tono and Kamaishi in Iwate Prefecture. Tono is surrounded by mountains and forests; Kamai...
Activities Mount Goyo, the Top of Iwate Malcome Larcens A picturesque plateau in the heart of Iwate, Mount Goyo is also full of wild deer and other animals.
Activities Top Attractions in Iwate Geoff Day Iwate Prefecture is the second largest prefecture in Japan home to historically significant destinations, rich natural landsc...
16 Activities Best Cherry Blossom Sites in Iwate Malcome Larcens Mid to late April is the time to watch cherry blossoms in Iwate
Activities Todogasaki Malcome Larcens Todogasaki is the eastern most point on Honshu, so if you want to be the first to see the sunrise in Japan that's the place t...
Activities Taneyamagahara in Iwate Kyoko Nishi At Tanayamagahara in Iwate Prefecture, you can take in Miyazawa Kenji's "Landscape of Ihatov", a plateau designated as a nati...
Activities Around Hell Valley and Back Malcome Larcens With the proper gear, winter hiking is as enjoyable if not more than summer hiking. This is a short loop around a place calle...
Activities Unosu Dangai Tunnels Malcome Larcens Unosu Dagai (Cormorant's Nest Cliffs) is well known for its majestic vista. The view of sunrise over the Pacific is absolutel...
Activities Mt Megami and Shiraito Falls Malcome Larcens Mt Megami is a medium size mountain in Nishiwaga, Iwate. The view from the top is average but the waterfalls around it make i...