Activities The Oki Islands Lisa Wallin The Oki Islands is a group of over 180 islands located in the Sea of Japan off the coast of Shimane Prefecture. Known for its...
6 Activities Incredibly Captivating Dogo Island Sherilyn Siy Within Dogo Island, Okinoshima's largest island, there are lots to see that may not necessarily be the views recommended to t...
6 Activities Takuhi-gama Workshop Sherilyn Siy Not many people travel to the Oki Islands, but if you happen to find yourself in this beautifully rustic and remote place, yo...
Activities Top 10 Things to See in Shimane Niaya Harper All the exciting destinations and attractions across Shimane Prefecture.
Activities Meet the Locals on the Volcanic Daikonjima Bryan Baier Daikonjima Island is located in the middle of Lake Nakaumi between Matsue City in Shimane Prefecture and Sakai-Minato City in...
Activities Bull Sumo in Oki Rory Jackson The bulls clash, grunting in exertion as sweat drips down their glossy black coats. The handlers dance deftly around their bu...
Activities Takuhi Shrine Rory Jackson On Nishinoshima's highest mountain, Mt Takuhi, sits the island's oldest shrine, the Takuhi-Jinja. It's a 15 minute walk up th...
Activities Lake Naka Umi Kenji Chida Lake Naka Umi is a large yet serene lake with a shoreline that runs through Shimane and Tottori.
6 Activities Kuniga Coastline Rory Jackson This majestic coastline is a series of cliffs, caves and stone pillars all making up the view for one of Japan's top 100 walk...