At New Year in Japan's former capital of Kyoto, Karuta Hajime is an annual event where a popular traditional card game is pla...
Held at Yasaka Shrine in Japan's former capital Kyoto, the Ebisu Festival is Kyoto's first festival of the New Year, dedicate...
Kyoto is famous for a lot of things. But when it comes to food, Issen Yoshoku is one recommended dish that you should not miss.
A loud and busy little restaurant, Gion Kappa is far from zen, but the food is far from average. Real care can be seen in t...
Enjoy a luxury getaway at Hotel SOWAKA, tucked away in Kyoto's Gion district just moments away from Yasaka Shrine.
Take in the panoramic views of Kyoto from an infinity hot spring bath on the rooftop of this unique hotel.
Located at the foot of the eastern mountains and Kiyomizu-dera, this Ryokan really is something else.
French gastronomic fashion brand Fauchon takes the limelight as it showcases its new hotel in Kyoto.
Ever wonder what the best time to visit Kyoto is? Wonder no more! Autumn is upon us and with it comes Kyoto's loveliest season.
The large statue of Ryozen Kannon looms over moving war memorials, and graves at Ryozen Gokoku hold war dead and those who di...