The Main Gate (Photo: C. Rio)


Temple #3 of the Ohenro 88 temple pilgrimage

C. Rio   - 1 min read

Kosenji is the third temple in the Ohenro 88 temple pilgrimage around Shikoku.  It is located in the small town of Itano, in the suburbs of Tokushima.  It's about a ten minute walk from Itano station on the JR Kotoku Line. The main deity of the temple is Shaka Nyorai.  If you can see your face in the reflection in the gold well beside Daishi Hall, it is said that you will live till the age of 92.  If not, then you will die within the next three years. However, during the daytime you are guaranteed to see your face in the reflection.

C. Rio

C. Rio @matthew.shewchuk

Based out of Minakami, where I work as a canyoning guide.  I love hiking and am always looking to the skies for good weather.